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How couples from Oman can get married in the Abu Dhabi court if they are from different countries


Since people from different nationalities come to Oman for work and other purposes, it is not unusual to see some of them fall in love and decide to marry. These expats often choose Abu Dhabi as their wedding destination because it is close and known for tourism. Also, couples from Oman might want to know how they can get married in the Abu Dhabi court if they are from different countries.

The objective of this post is to explain the Abu Dhabi marriage provisions for couples of different nationalities. Couples will have a better view after reading this text.

How couples of different nationalities can get married in the Abu Dhabi Court

The path to marriage for couples of different races is simple in Abu Dhabi. Once, these couples reach the agreement to marry, they are expected to gather these documents:

  • Their passports
  • Emirate ID if one of them lives in the UAE
  • Divorce or death certificates of former couples (applicable if they have been married before)

Once they have these documents and pay their marriage dues, they must fill out the marriage form. After 5 days, the couple will receive an invitation to attend the formal marriage ceremony in the court. They will be given their marriage certificate there. This explains how to get married in the Abu Dhabi court for couples of different origins.

Marriage in Abu Dhabi as a good option for Oman couples

As seen above, marriage in Abu Dhabi has unique benefits for couples. Since the government laws are simple and the process is seamless, couples will finish the process feeling happy and accomplished.

Since most of the steps will be done physically, the couple will not have to face any confusion regarding what documents they need. So many benefits are available to all couples who want to get married in Abu Dhabi court even though they are from different countries.

If you and your mate want to save time by opting for an Abu Dhabi marriage, book a consultation with our marriage experts to learn more about the requirements.

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